NAPD perspectives on Functional Subgrouping and Phases of Development

Workshop 9-11 January, 2020
by Marianne Bentzen
Wageningen, The Netherlands

 Organised by Systems-Centered® Training Netherlands (SCT-NL)

In this workshop, Marianne will relate the theory of NADP and exercises to the method of functional subgrouping and phases of development. She will draw extensively from her many years of exchanges with Yvonne Agazarian (founder of SCT), about how NAPD supports the practice of Functional Subgrouping and the perspective of system phases of development.

Location: Trainingscentrum KenKon in Wageningen
Dates 3-day workshop Thursday 9th until Saturday 11th of January 2020 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Requirement for participation: the minimum participation requirement is at least one-day experience with Functional Subgrouping.

For more information or admission, please contact
Annick Nevejan (Secretary SCT-NL)
+31 (0)6 28 50 55 78 or email to

Website SCT-NL:

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